Angular JS Tips 1-6

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A collection of 6 of the best Angular JS Tips and Tricks

Tips #1 : Link - href

If you want to use AngularJS markup inside your links, you have to use ng-href instead of href. The reason is that it takes time for AngularJS to parse all HTML, and this means that if the user is quick he/she can click the link before it is actually parsed. This would result in a 404-page. So, instead of writing this:
<a href="{{hash}}"/>
you should write this:
<a ng-href="{{hash}}"/>

Tips #2 : Image - Src

This is similar to using ng-href instead of href. Whenever you insert images and want to use Angular-markup, you have to use ng-src. Just like this:
<ul id="preview" ng-repeat="image in images">
      <li><img ng-src="{{image}}" /></li>

Tips #3 : How to check if form data changes or not

I needed to implement a functionality that would warn the user about changed data in a form when the user tried to navigate away from the form. Luckily, in AngularJS this is very easy. You just use the $dirty variable. Just like so:
$scope.back = function($event, ConfirmBackText) {
  if ($scope.mainform.$dirty) {
    if (confirm(ConfirmBackText)) {
  } else {
Notice, that I check whether or not $scope.mainform.$dirty is true or false. If it is true, I pop the confirm dialogue.

Tips #4 : Two callback at once

AngularJS allows you to watch a variable and will call a callback whenever its content is modified. But what if you need to watch two variables at once? You can write this:
function callback() {

$scope.$watch('a', callback);
$scope.$watch('b', callback);
But you can also write this, which is more elegant:
$scope.$watch('a + b', callback);
The value of “a + b” will change whenever either a or b changes. Therefore you watch both variable at once.

Tips #5 : Syntax of directives

The tutorial of AngularJS writes directives like this: "ng-model". But you can also write: "x-ng-model", "ng:model", "ng_model", "data-ng-model". They are all equivalent and work the same. I like to use the syntax with "data-" because it is standard-compliant.

Tips #6 : Nuances of ngDisabled

There is actually an ngDisabled attribute that you can leverage for dynamically changing the disabled state of a form control. However, there may still be some confusion as to the different states and values that represent disabled or enabled, so to help clarify I made this simple demo:
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